October 19 & Novmeber 2, 2017 Bulletin

October Meeting:
We had our first two students of the month.

Katie McCaslin will be the Valedictorian of her class at BCCA, has played soccer for 12 years, has done service projects in the Dominican Republic for the past three years, while accumulating 20 college credits while still in high school. She plans to attend either Grove City or Liberty University for Business or Engineering.

Joe Dragonjac from BHS is a member of the NHS, the Gifted Program, a Student Ambassador, has received the West Point Leadership Award, is a Key Club member and was on the Prom Committee. Joe has played Tier 1 hockey for 8 years which enabled him to compete on a team in Europe twice. He has earned 47 college credits during his high school time and plans on attending Notre Dame, Georgia Tech, or Vanderbilt for Chemical and Bio-molecular engineering.

A Centennial pin was awarded to Lion Jim S. Olayer.  Now he joins Lions Smith and Verbosky as a recipient of that special pin.

$250 Donations were made to Meals on Wheels, the Darlington Food Pantry, and the Adoption Connection in Beaver. 

Some of the upcoming activities: 
Christmas trees will be delivered on November 25 around 11:00 am.  Helping hands are needed.
Christmas Tree Sale  Dec 1 – 20                  
Christmas in Blackhawk Dec 2  - Blackhawk High School - 10:00 am
Wreath Making Dec 3   - Lion Bouril's House        1:00 PM        
Chippewa Plaza  Sat & Sundays                  2960 Clayton Ave  1:00 pm         
Santa on the Christmas Tree Lot  -  December 16 - 1:00  pm.
Lighthouse Christmas Party Dec. 23  - Lighthouse, New Brighton  - 6:00 PM
Night at the Races  - February 10   -  Patterson VFD  5:00 PM
BCAB Party for the Blind - March 17pm   6:00pm                

The Christmas Extravaganza will be Saturday December 16th at the tree lot.  Santa will be there from 12 to 2, and we need to get the word out to the local day care centers and elementary schools. Dave Zackery from the Blackhawk band agreed to have his band at the Christmas Extravaganza from 2-4pm.

The next Combined Zone meeting will be held Dec 9th at King’s Restaurant near the Beaver Valley Mall. It will be from 8:30 till 11   Officers and Lions are encouraged to attend.

Students of the Month for November: BCCA will be Judith McChesney and BHS will be Sydney Pyle

2017 Chippewa Area Lions Club Christmas Party
Thursday December 7th 6:30PM at the Hawk’s Nest Tavern at the Blackhawk Golf course. 
Please call Nancy Lamey 724-843-6885 or Gaylen Miller at 724-336-6116 by November 22nd with reservations.  Payment will be collected on the evening of the party.  Checks should be payable to the Chippewa Area Lions Club
Night At The Races
The Night at the Races tickets will be available at the meeting if you want to get an early start on selling some horses.  The tickets are for $15 or $20.  A horse and one admission $15, Horse and two admissions $20 and there are boxes on the ticket to designate which the ticket is for. 

It is time to start getting Chinese Auction items donated from local businesses as well as lining up sponsors for the program.